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spikedog thread

By Anonymous | Updated 10/18/24(Fri)02:27:16

spikedog thread

oh no! spikedog slept a little too deeply...where did his other frens go??

could this be a rip van spikle type of case, I wonder? I sure hope not!
what happened? who posted all those new threads?
good mawning :^)

Your fortune: Godly Luck
so sad that the other thread died, we were like halfway there and there were so man nice posts...
the boarde became not so slow somehow last night and swallowed our thread
from 1 to 8 in 4,5 hours... that's kinda faster than usual or is it not? Anyway we have to be on the 'qui vive'
i wasn't there to save it again because i was watching mushishi, sorry
if I shat out a log like spikedog my fuckin ass would be torn and bleeding >>11823980
who teh fug saved muh imgur as jpg
damn you mushishi! when will people learn that amime is dangerous
good night, spikedog thread! see you tomorrow hopefully >>11824339
sleep tight spiker
new day for the spikedog thread! >>11824897
what will it bring??? good things i hope
lazy afternoon
oh! don't mind me, just slugging through :)

Your fortune: Average Luck
are pangolins related to spikedogs or spikemen? >>11825987
actually yes, they are ancient spikedogs
you can sometimes still see them together
three smoles >>11826195
whoa! I didn't know that the spikedog had so many spikey friends.
it's here!!!!!!!!
oh that is a cool sluge
three smoles to rule them all...
how did they get so smol?
they will grow!
sharing is caring! >>11827705
so nice!
venice is sort of scary
dubs of niceness
is he on a beach looking for shells?
IDK. It was late and the thread was heading for the the archives. I posted a random picture. The spikedog was fast asleep with his new friend the pangolin. They were exhausted from a few n weekend.
FUN weekend.
that pangolin looks very stylish
I stole it and shooped it. I'm rarted and can't art.
still it's very good!
lole i love ur creations
i hope the one who made that is still posting here so he sees your words
i saved that just over two and a half years ago,,
that's what makes her fun!!
oh this is a good image, saved!!! spikedog makes frens anywhere...
you're so very kind, thank you deeply!!
and thank you too, for saving it and remembering!!
it's october, which means anything could happen...
waohe that was you.. my memory's very bad
thank you for all these magnificent spikedogs all this time i still save all your art!!

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
hurry up, I haven't got all day CUH >>11822825
mobiusdog and pascaldog
good night >>11832170
sweet dreams spikedog...a cool day tomorrow i hope
what the h*ck are these real
just got hit with a 15 minute wait timer... only activated once I tried making a le thread... >>11832730
maybe le thread was not nice enough?
oh, does spikedog hibernate?
dubs of maybe!!! no one knows exactly what happens after the spikedog migration...
I did not realize spikedogs could climb trees

Your fortune: Outlook good
trees are frens!
was the cock really necessary? no
grow nicely beary tree
haha benis :D :D
That's the sad state of esfor now, it's on its way to become janother /b. I know people were saying this for some time, but I think it's really happening now
>>11828599 (dubs!)
spikedog rocks
>>11836092 >>11836367
spikedog, always a gem!
this was two years ago so i purposely didn't spoil it
someone put a lot of effort into that shiddily drawn p*nis

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
This is so sad... assforest... dead since 2013 ;_;7 >>11836455
two same numbers!
another chill weekend with the spikedog! >>11836875
I'd love to watch tv with the spikedog...
is he falling upwards?
i remember when they put a spikedog thread on the homepage, but when i clicked it it was deleted
that shit got to me
the deleted spikedog thread! I remember that too, I was so shocked
that was even a sticky thread! https://archive.4plebs.org/s4s/thread/9210128/
an ebil jenny deleted it out of revenge and anger
perhaps he is...

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
thank you for watching over spikedog!
>>11838355 >>11838070
he can sing pretty well.... but why is everything terrible?
good night! >>11839414
such a peaceful spiker...
the frenship between spikedog and many creatures has led to strange ways of life...here he is frens with algae and fungi >>11840045
wahaha, a lichen spikey
oh no, spikedog...! you need a shower!!
two same numbers!
the fungi will eat him!
no, that would be cannibalel-ism because the spikedog is a fun guy.
spikedog is a fun guy, but are the fungi too?
>>11840045 >>11841572
the spore the merrier!
dubs confirm
two same numbers!
every little bit helps the thread! >>11843383
take my biggest monies!
wow that is incredible nice!!
up there! >>11844268
spikedog gymnastics!
the season gets spookier... >>11845070
autumn is a nice season
I hope I get trick or treaters
Bumping two and a half year old spikedog picture

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
great, now he's orange...
dubs!! i hope so too!!
i think i remember this!!!!!!! how blessed
astonished there are others who have this stored in their brain somewhere, i think it's the most special spikedog in my collection
thank you for keeping pickles alive
spikedog looks very tired! so am I btw
I don't remeberer pickles... was he in spikedog thread?? my memory is broken :|
I rememberer one anon though who posted rl life spikedog like picrel looks kinda similar

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
drawe spikedog with a reimu fumo >>11846732
only posted pickles once sometime in 2022, i don't blame you for not remembering
I found the thread https://archive.4plebs.org/s4s/thread/10254522/
I love going through old threads, I guess it's nostalgia
Do you remember that time the Spikedog said, "Wha ha ha?" >>11847694
yeah... summer 2024, those were the days!
I love you the spikedog!! a spikey roll back to the too. >>11847194
spikedog threads are timeless
two same numbers!

Your fortune: Better not tell you now
I just got a whole group of kids, handfuls of candy for each!
spooky >>11848364
i wish this was me
i believe in the spikedog moon phase >>11849130
oh how los blissful it must be to be a spikedog in the sky
you have all your candy safely in bags right?? >>11849525
haunting spikedog
i will be sleeping soon thanks for all you're nice art

Your fortune: Godly Luck
I love those!!
let's change the color of the thread again, spooky is over >>11849130
very spooky!
how'd you do that?

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
it's winter already in spikedogland!
winter is nice season!!
mood ring spikedog
oops, it was already bumped...
better one bump too many than one too few @:^)
two same numbers!
right, the thread was already very low on page 10
sleep tight spikedog and see you tomorrow! >>11852722
oh thank goodness, thank you for saving him!! lazy sunday is back on!
sleep tight spiker
one last bump before i go to bed
this is for spikedog
thank you for your important work!
thanks, but it was this anon >>11852714 who saved the thread, he bumped it before me, so we have to thank him!
still quite fond of this >>11853843
bumping is very important! without bumping the thread dies grab your telelscope...
me too!!!
thank you hero to all spikedogs!!!
love this drawe so much, immediately one of my favorites from you
s-pipe dog lole!!!
thank you so much1!! it was a moment of inspiration!!!
beautiful art!!
the pipe sucked in all spikedog's spikes!
the blanket constellation!
good night! >>11856075
sleep tight spikedog!! dream of your favorite dreams...
smol spikedog playing!! very cute!
Spikedog hopes your day isn't stressful. He recomends nachos. >>11856711
dubs of crunching munch!
way to stay afloat spikedog!!
two same numbers!
safe swimming!!
he's always been a great swimmer! wonder what he needs a floatie for...
as a companion maybe!
floatie is nice!
spikedog plush when? >>11860670
he doesn't know what he's doing!! what the fug!!
Pls help poor fishie!
GO GO SPIKEDOG >>11862333
Checking nicer trips
very important!!
digits are very important, I concur
nice dubs!!!

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
Lazy sunday bump Sunny bumpday laze >>11865205
now all it needs is a bumpy lazeday sun!
>>11864642 >>11866410
Woah, beautiful spikedog...
:) >>11867222
spikedog tasting the rainbow
bump on page 7!!! >>11867222
these are nice trips
trip flip!
with his front spike he looks a bit like a unicorn!
remember spikedog (ebil)??? i remember >>11869272
lole hes ebil but his spikes arent sharp so he can do no harm
what a little cutie
good night, ebil spikedog!
look at those fellers!
one day, spikedog (ebil) thread will happen...will the world be ready?
few people know the truth about dark spikedog (hero).
they are siblings!
(. .^^^) >>11870889
off by one for mini spikedog!
the two spikedogs when they were smole spikedogs
their spikes are not yet spiky! they will get spiky when they grow older
nature is so beautiful
such a sweetie!
very very smole spikedogs!
that is so nice
I wonder if dark spikedog ever said "wha ha ha?"
dubs of uncertainty
dubs checking dubs!
Lazy weekend coming in >>11874092
with spikedog! in color!!
polygonal pupper >>11874286
quadratic dog! and there's dog in captcha!!
here's the dog captcha
it's getting worse! >>11874942
lol hexadog
Does spikedog sleep on a deka keksandra fumo? :O >>11875895
It is the nicest fumo made with the highest quality materials and the softest fluff and the comfiest dress materials
what's a fumo?
spikedog sleeps in a nicely bede btw
rest well. we got eggs and sausage for breakfast in the morning.
mmmm eggs

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
poor spikedog is hungry!
wake up, spikedog
is your meal really worth it?

Your fortune: Outlook good
oh no... don't eat smol spikedogs!!
oh nonono...
when will a spikedog egg become a smol spikedog? what does spikedog science say about it??
egg and spicy breakfast sausage >>11879836
Bone appetite!
BOY >>11879836
that looks tasty!!
breakfast of champions...
who did that?? who killed spikedog??
spikedog will get you
they cameout looking more like turds, was worried.
wahaha news! a very classy story! >>11881672
now that you mentioned it they look indeed like turds...
i disagree! the ground up stuff is like that, but breakfast can be served again

Anonymous is a reporter from /s4s/

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